Organizing Committee 

The 2024 Capstone Design Conference is organized by the following volunteer group: 


Todd Polk, University of Texas-Dallas 

Joanna Tsenn, Texas A&M University 


Keith Stanfill, University of Tennessee 

Heather Stellmach, University of Tennessee 

Amanda Middleton, University of Tennessee 


Bridget Smyser, Northeastern University 

John Estell, Ohio Northern University 


Joanna Tsenn, Texas A&M University 

Darrell Kleinke, University of Detroit Mercy 

Jorge Rodriguez, University of Georgia 


Jay Goldberg, Marquette University 

Sarah Oman, Oregon State University 


Susannah Howe, Smith College 

Beth DeBartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology 


Matthew Swenson, University of Idaho 

Bridget Smyser, Northeastern University 

Posters & student involvement 

Laura Hirshfield, University of Michigan 

Rachana Gupta, North Carolina State University 

Spencer Villareal, University of Tennessee 

Conference program 

Robert Hart, University of Texas-Dallas 

Travel grants 

Beth DeBartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology 

Sarah Oman, Oregon State University 

The Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the volunteers from these and other institutions who helped with various aspects of planning, organizing and running the conference. We especially want to thank Shraddha Sangelkar, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, for all of her efforts in planning the conference.