T-Shirt Size (unisex)
Do you give permission for your name and email to be included in a student attendee list available to employers?
Limited to 2. Includes: * Access to one of the largest pools of undergraduate turfgrass students in the U.S. and students from neighboring universities and colleges. * Opportunity to share available positions in our BEACON career portfolio . Students will get to see opportunities prior to and following event. * Access to the entire agenda for three (3) attendees . Additional attendees canbe added for each business for $150 each . Setup Time (Sept 12) Main Event (Sept 12) Reception + Trivia (Sept 12) Coffee + Pastries (Sept 13) Research Field Plot Tours (Sept 13) Lunch + Hops (Sept 13) * At the Main Event (Sept 12), VFL registrants receive: One (1) eight-foot table, two (2) chairs, and an 8’ x 8’ “front lawn” for student engagement activities Access to a private meeting space from 10a to 6p on Sept 12 [Executive Boardroom I (max cap - 16) OR Executive Boardroom II (max cap - 8)] to have 1-on-1 meetings or interviews with students. Student contact information following event (only students that opt in)
Limited to 17. Includes: * Access to one of the largest pools of undergraduate turfgrass students in the U.S. and students from neighboring universities and colleges. * Opportunity to share available positions in our BEACON career portfolio . Students will get to see opportunities prior to and following event. * Access to the entire agenda for two (2) attendees . Additional attendees can be added for each business for $150 each . Setup Time (Sept 12) Main Event (Sept 12) Reception + Trivia (Sept 12) Coffee + Pastries (Sept 13) Research Field Plot Tours (Sept 13) Lunch + Hops (Sept 13) * At the Main Event (Sept 12), GBO registrants receive: One (1) eight-foot table, two (2) chairs, and an 8’ x 8’ “front lawn” for student engagement activities. Student contact information following event (only students that opt in).
Limited to 20. Includes : * Access to one of the largest pools of undergraduate turfgrass students in the U.S. and students from neighboring universities and colleges. * Opportunity to share available positions in our BEACON career portfolio . Students will get to see opportunities prior to and following event. * Access to the entire agenda for one (1) attendee . Additional attendees can be added for each business for $150 each . Setup Time (Sept 12) Main Event (Sept 12) Reception + Trivia (Sept 12) Coffee + Pastries (Sept 13) Research Field Plot Tours (Sept 13) Lunch + Hops (Sept 13) * At the Main Event (Sept 12), SMOKEY registrants receive: One (1) six-foot table and two (2) chairs for discussions with students. Student contact information following event (only students that opt in)
* Coffee + Pastries (Sept 13) * Research Field Plot Tours (Sept 13) * Lunch (Sept 13)
* Main event (Sept 12) * Reception + Trivia (Sept 12) * Coffee + Pastries (Sept 13) * Research Field Plot Tours (Sept 13) * Lunch (Sept 13)
* Coffee + Pastries (Sept 13) * Research Field Plot Tours (Sept 13) * Lunch (Sept 13)
The sponsorship options below DO NOT include a table/booth on the career show floor. The options below are only sponsorships for the activities listed.
Reception Sponsor (food + beer/wine):
UT Conferences and Event Services | P.O. Box 2648 | Knoxville, TN 37901 | Phone: (865) 974.0280 | Fax: (865) 974.0264 | Email: Conferences@utk.edu | Privacy Statement
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